I have to green cheek conures. Both are pretty young (17 months and 9 months). I am struggling to give them things to do outside of their cage. We live in an apartment and they are always in the room with us. They are on us or sitting with us a lot, but I worry that they are bored the rest of the time they are out of their cage. They have foraging boxes, lots of foot toys and a couple wooden playstands. The one playstand is kind of small, so we don’t use it too often. The other playstand is bigger, but I had to take a lot of the toys and ladders off it because they seemed to be a safety risk (it came from Amazon). I added more toys to it but it still seems inadequate.
My question is- what do you have for your conures to play with/on while out of the cage? Also, does anyone have any recommendations for a nice, safe playstand that is not too expensive?
Thanks in advance! I am attaching pics for birb tax.