Put Captive Sun Into Illari's Base Kit
Illari, design wise, is ass. She's just boring. She goes to an angle. She stands on the angle. She shoots people from the angle. She is moira for people who can aim, except that Moira's kit at least is cohesive and flows well.
The (only, imo) very interesting part of her kit is her ultimate. It is a fun idea, it rewards teamwork, it is flexible in usage, and it is satisfying when the other team goes pop. The main problem with it is that compared to other support ultimates it has an extremely unreliable impact - since it is an ult, players are willing to spend lots of resources to counterplay it and because those counterplay options are so widely available, it gets very inconsistent value.
It is also interesting because it is the only offensive utility in the game which definitively punishes squishies more than it punishes tanks. Discord and anti-heal are both most effective at fucking over tanks. Captive sun as a utility cooldown would provide support players an option to fuck someone else over, and maybe give the enemy tank a break.
So, to make Illari interesting:
- Outburst (current shift) becomes a double jump like Hanzo's leap.
- The damage/projectile aspect of captive sun becomes an ability on shift. Reduce the radius to 3.5 meters, reduce the damage on the explosions, remove the flight aspect, remove the slow.
Either come up with a new ultimate, or just make it similar to Valk. Reduce cooldown on Captive Sun while active, replenish her beam faster while active, and give her flight but without the cripling slow speed she currently gets.
If having this utility combined with her turret is too much? Great, throw the fucking turret out of the window. It isn't a very interactive ability and adds very little to the game. Captive sun would be a thousand times more dynamic.