Need advice

Hi, I'm currently an undergrad student about to start 3rd year (I'm on placement year currently) and I need some help as I'm so stressed and have no idea what the route forward here is.

I want to (eventually) apply for the DClinPsy but I don't know how I should structure my route to get there and I also really want a graduate job but I don't know where would hire me. This is my experience:

- Volunteer Befriended at Rethink Mental Illness

- Volunteer In Patient Support at UCLH NHS Trust

- 10 months as a Research Assistant at KCL's IOPPN working with women with anxiety (my placement year).

As I only have volunteer experience and a placement year I don't really know what kind of jobs might be available to me after graduating - I'm trying to look for one now but I don't really know where to start as most place require so much experience, but how can you get experience if people only hire those with experience? It's like a vicious cycle.

I'm also considering doing a master's in something related to clinical psychology / mental health - would this help?

I'm really passionate in the field of mental health / clinical psychology but have no idea where to start. Any help / advice would be super appreciated :)