Future Era Playable Nation Wishlist
We know the base game stops around the Cold War and a future DLC expansion will create the 4th, future era. I hope they include actual nations and leaders while avoiding current international politics. Here is my short list of interesting “Future” civilizations. My ideas are very much future orientated and a bit imaginative but anything post Cold War is fair game. Please share your ideas!
Ireland (Economic, Scientific) - The nation and Dublin specifically has been positioning itself as the tech hub of Europe. Many international corporations have headquartered here for tax purposes. This civ would get strong scientific bonuses from trade routes. Also Ireland just needs to be represented in Civ eventually.
America (Cultural, Militaristic) - How could you not have a future America with its post cold-war cultural dominance and technical jumpstart with Silicon Valley. Ignoring that entirely, I would love to see a Trump lead isolationist America with strong patriotic themed cultural bonuses.
United Arab Emirates (Cultural, Economic) - Known as a tourist destination and for its unique geo landscaping, this civ would get benefits towards late game wonder building.
Israel (Expansionist, Scientific) - Traditionally, in late game civ you are hard focused on a win condition, not expansion. Food / growth is generally heavily discounted. Israel would be an incredibly interesting mechanic flipping civ themed around its desert agriculture advancements and tendency to… let’s say “forward settle”. The game can double down and reward you for a late game strategy that all other civs would stop benefiting from in the late mid-game. I’m imagining this civ being nearly as game altering as Mali felt in Civ VI, making this my biggest wish.
China (Militaristic, Diplomatic) - China has set itself as the military antagonist to much of the modern western world, but it has created strong support and economic dependencies in many developing nations. I could see late game China leveraging city states to take strong militarily strategic positions, influence a theoretical world congress, and otherwise influence global actions.