Satan is the loser of the whole Universe

I hate him. He sucks in every aspect of himself. He deserves to not exist at all and how DARE he force me into an ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG OCD CYCLE OF HIM FORCING ME TO THINK OF HIM, TURN EVIL AND FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM WHEN I DON'T WANT TO!

He deserves to be showed up for what he's done. I'm not giving into his blasted tricks! It's not my fault I have a disastrous form of OCD! It's not my brain's fault either for feeling fear over this! I'd much prefer to be trapped in an OCD cycle for eternity defending righteousness over evil! Overall, it's Satan's fault! He's a real asshole for trying to deceive me when he has overall deceived himself because I have the logic and wisdom to understand that the thoughts in my mind are just WRONG!