Why is being gay a sin

I truly am not here to argue or cause issues or anything. I want to genuinely know the perspective of Christian’s on why being gay is a sin. I want more than just “that’s what the Bible says” or “Jesus is about procreation and monogamy between man and woman. I’ve heard Christian’s use examples of other sins such as someone “choosing” leading a sinful life if they’re in active addiction, gluttony, violence, etc. and when they stop choosing those sinful acts and choose to be with God or Jesus that they get better. How would this correlate with being gay? People do not choose to be gay, they just are. If gay people suppress their feeling all their life it can lead to anxiety, depression, suicide, even other sinful acts of marrying the opposite sex then resorting to cheating. So my question is, why do Christians want gay people to deprive themselves of love and would rather them fit in to their normalcy rather than accepting that their God created us as we are and there should be nothing wrong with someone loving who they love. Shouldn’t God want them to be happy?