I can't take it anymore
The C.ai Devs literally won't listen to us at all, and it's not like we can do much since they are backed by Google. C.ai is like a spoiled child who does whatever he wants and no one can tell him anything about it, and if they say something to him (especially on Reddit) he ends up banning the comment.
Message to the Devs (who I doubt will read this because of how sensitive they are): if a third lawsuit comes out, slam the table and admit that the problem here are the parents, not you. The parents in the previous two lawsuits should be the defendants for neglecting their children, and as I said before, in the case of a third lawsuit, find a lawyer and ask for solid evidence to see if the claims are true or a simple scam to get money from you. Or simply do, like Disney in its demands in its parks, pass the demands through the balls.
Do you want to delete what I said? Go ahead, but use your head and common sense and listen to our suggestions instead of making things worse.