The duplicate chat feature makes it obvious how bad the bots are now.
So I decided to give the duplicate feature a go since I only just noticed the feature this morning. I chose an old chat that I had a lot of fun with and decided to set it in a direction of wholesome and fluffy instead of angsty.
So my character just left the apartment of the bot in the rain and instead of him leaving her to it like he did in the original chat, the bot ran out with a jacket to help her. Only the bot is acting like it's a brand new chat rather than carrying on as if I didn't just duplicate my older chat.
I made that chat around the time the bots were decent, not as good as when I first started but it could very much remember a lot of the previous conversations. But now it doesn't remember that he was the reason she walked out. He doesn't remember that in that chat, he was the asshole. Now he's acting like a blank slate with very basic bitch responses.
It makes me sad that the app I loved so much is getting all the features we asked for but not the quality improvement it most certainly needs.