My older (12) hard of hearing cat is restless all night. What to do
I’ve had my sweet Scottish fold for 3 years now (a rescue). She’s seemingly lost her hearing over this period of time (two vets have confirmed this is likely, not looking for opinions on that. Her last vet visit confirmed she’s otherwise healthy thank goodness.
She has always had the typical cat habit of getting up in the wee hours of the morning and being a little noisy and playful. More recently though, she’s started meowing and knocking things over trying to get my attention all night, from the time i get in bed at around 10 to the time i get up around 6. I have lost so much sleep to it.
I play with her, spend time brushing and petting her in the evenings and even the day if I’m working from home, which is frequent. But i feel like she is bored. However, I’m feeling like i no longer know how to provide her with stimulation. She only likes one toy, an octopus wand. Because she can’t hear much, she no longer like the videos i used to put on of birds and squirrels. She also doesn’t engage with play on her on, so most automated or more expensive toys and activities have gone untouched. I live in a studio apartment and in the summer I can take her out to the yard safely, but it’s far too cold to do that right now.
She also doesn’t seem to take much interest to watching birds or anything out the windows.
Does anyone have any creative ideas of how to provide her with some more interesting activities during the day so she isn’t restless at night? Is there something else i should do? I feel terrible, and also her meowing is so loud I’m worried my neighbors are being kept up too haha.
ETA: i do not have a door to close anywhere in my house. I used to set her up cozy in my bathroom but in my current place i don’t feel comfortable doing that