Looking for camera for YT channel, studio environment, is Samsung24ultra/ iphone 15 pro good enough quality ? or do i go with osmo 5 pro action, or something completely else ?
- Budget: 800 €
- Country: Serbia
- Condition: New
- Type of Camera: Phone/ action, idk ?
- Intended use: Videos
- If photography; what style
- What features do you absolutely need: great video quality, stationary position as in me speaking, analyzing
- What features would be nice to have: to be easily supported for editing, for beginner and simple kind of videos
- Portability: not necessary
- Cameras you're considering: Latest phone, go pro latest creative edition, osmo action 5 pro
Any advice is deeply appreciated, i can buy phone on 24 installments so that also inside of my budget for that reason. Do latest phones have input for external mic to be connected ? Mic and lightning is different matter, diff budget but i would also be thankful for suggestions, very thankful.