Does cutting sugar help if you eat the same number of calories?

So, I have been on my weight loss journey for the last 3 months. I have lost around 7 kg by adopting a healthier diet, working out more, and limiting my calorie intake. For the past few weeks, I have tried to cut sugar. I used to eat sugary snacks, soda, and similar sweet stuff(I used to eat such stuff almost daily). I have completely cut it down and don't really miss it. I never get any craving to eat those things again.

But, I drink tea twice a day. I replaced sugar in tea with zero sugar alternatives, which is tough. I crave the normal sugar tea. Just to be clear, I do get sugar from stuff like apples, bread, peanut butter, etc, so I haven't completely eliminated it from my diet. So, my question is, if I am maintaining a calorie deficit, does it matter if I add sugar to my tea? Of course, I will try to eat other stuff less to maintain the calorie deficit that comes with adding sugar to my tea. I have seen myself losing more weight after cutting sugar, so I am not sure if I should re-introduce it.