CHS from quitting weed? My unconventional experience. Anyone else?

Has anyone experienced CHS only when quitting cannabis, not while actively using it?

For some context: I haven’t smoked in 2.5 years now, but before that, I was a daily stoner for a decade—starting with flower, graduating to concentrates, and eventually vaping all day, every day. Strangely enough, I never had CHS while using weed. My episodes would only strike when I tried to quit, but it was like clockwork.

This happened several times, especially during international trips (which completely ruined some vacations) or when I attempted tolerance breaks. Each time, I was hit with all the classic CHS symptoms: hours or even days of nausea and cyclic vomiting, intense stomach pain, food making it worse, and the seemingly magical relief of scalding hot showers. After about five of these episodes, I finally decided it wasn’t worth it and quit for good.

(Honestly, my life is so much better now. If you need to hear it—yes, you too can be happier without weed. I didn’t think I could feel this good until I stopped completely.)

That said, my experience seems different from the usual CHS cases that hit people while they’re still using cannabis. I wonder if this “withdrawal phase CHS” is a less-discussed part of the condition. I’ve yet to see much about this angle in articles or forums.

So—has anyone else experienced CHS triggered by quitting, rather than by use itself? Or am I an outlier?