I’m surprised Always Home isn’t getting hyped as much as WIFTY and HL

I’ve been watching Always Home since it aired and I must say it’s one of the best youth dramas out there. As someone who has watched a lot of youth dramas and is a huge fan of WIFTY and HL, I think it sits on the same shelf as these two. The storyline is really good— I love how it tackles what a normal teenager goes through like chasing dreams, friendships, and family. The pacing of the story is pretty good. Also, the characters of the ML, FL, and their whole circle are a breathe of fresh air. Plus the chemistry between the leads are top notch!

This is such a good comfort drama (although not done airing yet). I think this drama sits at the same table with WIFTY and HL. I’m shocked this show is not being talked about enough given how good the quality is. So underrated. I hope this drama will gain more popularity because I think this drama deserves it. I hope WeTV will promote it more.