Barely missed out on my Cz p-01

Had purchased a P-01 on December 9th and it arrived at the FFL i selected on the 15th. I arrived with everything I needed on the 15th besides my birth certificate but was told I can bring it when I pick up the gun 10 days later and we continued on with the DROS transfer paperwork.

Since they would be closed on Christmas I arrived on the 26th to pick it up. Only issue is that I did not read the fine print stating that an Abstract of Birth certificate could not be accepted, only an official certificate. Quickly ran home and ending up sourcing it from Vital Records online, which in hindsight, I should have gone directly to the county to have it printed same day.

The shipping for the birth certificate would end up getting delayed by a day and finally arrived on the 31st. Only the FFL i had selected was not open on this day either.

Which leads me to showing up today in the 2nd only to hear the bad news that it had been removed from the roster and I can no longer pick it up. Wish it was made more clear during the process that I was on a major time crunch but it’s ultimately my fault for not thoroughly researching and being prepared with proper paperwork.

Im 99 percent sure that there is nothing I can do in this situation and I must go forward with refunding the p01 and take a loss on return fees and the transfer fees. Mainly posting this just to vent my frustrations as it is no ones fault but my own but also trying to see if there is any sliver of possibility that maybe the shop owner made a mistake although I doubt it.

I am infinitely jealous to see those who were able to grab a cz before it was take off roster and I’m hoping they add it back soon.

Edit: No dice unforunately, FFL issued me a refund today(barely got back half of what I had to pay to DROS) and am now in the process of having the firearm sent back to and will take a 15% hit on the full price as well as a $30 shipping return fee. Still waiting to hear back directly from the DOJ cus I messaged them as well on my own accord but I think its all but confirmed. Sucks but lesson learned.