How screwed am I?
I gave my two week notice today.
I’ve been working in my current department for a little over two years as an AGPA. Our unit operates pretty smoothly, and everyone mostly gets along.
Until they hired a new SSM II in September.
This person has never bothered to review procedures already in place or talk to anyone about their position. She just bulldozed everything without explanation and then…made stuff up. Then she blamed everyone under her when things started going sideways. Like allowing contracts to expire. Like sitting on invoices until they’re late. Like withholding MSA approvals without documented justification. Like contacting vendors directly to ask how they want agreements written. Like micromanaging everything to the point where she doesn’t want anyone to receive tasks or inquiries to their own mailbox - she wants to see everything first.
After five months of the BS & the personal attacks getting more frequent, my immediate supervisor quit on Monday. Turned all his stuff in and left the same day. Today, after listening to the II blame my former sup for everything that has been going wrong, she proceeded to tell me that I’m unprofessional because I apparently didn’t say “hello” to someone that walked by me when I was in the office last week.
Yes, I’ve spoken to both of her supervisors. I am not the only one being harassed. Others have gone to the union. They do not care.
Resigning doesn’t look good even under the best circumstances. Trying to find a new position could take an entire year - and I say that from experience.
Has anyone left state service to escape a bad or toxic situation? How did you explain it on apps or in interviews? Were you able to move on at a different department?
Please excuse my rant, and if you got this far - thanks!