Tentative Offer Rescinded
I am an AGPA in BU1, and I received a verbal tentative offer for an SSM I Specialist position in a different department.
Two weeks later, I got a call expecting a final offer. Instead I was told that the hiring process is going to take even longer. The current manager will still be at the department in a different office, but a new person will take over the supervision of the SSM I Specialist. The department wants to allow the new manager to choose who they want, because the manager will really only be working with the SSM I Specialist. With that said, they already decided to repost the position. The timing of the repost depends on when the new manager begins. I expressed that I was still interested in the position, so the current manager said she would pass on my paperwork to the new manager. It's highly likely I'll have to re-interview.
Of course, I was extremely disappointed and devastated by this news after I processed what actually just happened. I was really excited to be chosen and start because I felt that this position was exactly what I have been wanting to do and with a department I heard great things about.
I know offers are never guaranteed until you have a final offer and a start date, but I also have never heard that offers can be rescinded for this reason. I am still applying, interviewing, and I contacted the union for advice, but is there anything else I can do now or in the future to prevent this from happening again? Thanks in advance.