Looking for induction and elective c-section stories

I am a controlled type 2 diabetic on metformin only, first time mom, with a history of missed miscarriages. I am still on the fence of whether to be induced or go with an elective c-section.

I will only be able to go to 39 weeks if I don't go into spontaneous labor before then. I am currently 35 weeks with no other issues like blood pressure or pre-eclampsia.

From my understanding, in the US it is not common to have an elective c-section compared to European countries. I am concerned with an induction of long labor potentially needing an emergency c-section anyway, along with the myriad of other things like cord issues due to my history of loss.

If you had an induction or elective c, would you have it again? If/when did you get the epidural?