G-Line: a Jack Of All Trades?

Hi everyone!

Since this autumn I own a C-Line and it improved my daily commuting BIG ways! Before that I had to switch trains and tram 3 times, now I just go by train to vienna and then decide, if I switch once or go all the way by bike.

But just after I bought my Brompton, which I was thinking about for a long time since it was nearl 2k, they dropped the G-Line and I kind of fell in love. First I was thinking about saving money the next few years and then buy one, but on the other hand I'm riding 100km a week with the bike, so why wait for the more comfort? Of course because the G-Line is not that cheap, so I would have to sell my C-Line.

I also own a very old, but still capable trekking bike, which I use for my bike trips - not very difficult ones, more for the enjoyement. Where I live it's mostly even, not very high mountains, but the roads aren't always that comfortable (no option for my C-Line). First I was thinking about keeping the C-Line and replace my old bike with something new, like a gravel bike or a new trekking bike in the next years.

But now I'm thinking if it wouldn't be better just to have the G-Line for all situations? I would like to ask about your impressions if it's really capable as a stand alone bike or are the compromises to big? Since I would be using this bike almost everyday I'm not sure if I wouldn't regret the decision and miss the flexibility of the C-Line during commuting. On the other hand I also got some situations where I'm thinking some bigger wheels would be nice...

Edit: Thank you all so much for your answers! I still find it a though one. I watched and read so many reviews about the G-Line and they're all very positive and I don't have any doubt that it's a bike that's very much fun riding. Most reviewers and of course Brompton praise it's capability of commuting, but I never read from someone who actually uses it to commute. Tendency seems to be that it's actually to big and heavy. It's also clear that if you look at the different bike classes the G-Line is mostly outranged by the standard: heavy on commuting, not the same comfort like a MTB, slower than a gravel bike...and at a very large price point. It would be worth for me to invest 3.000 if that meant to have the same joy on the way to work as in my freetime trips, but it seems it would mean to make much compromises if you use it as a single bike. Still, I would be very happy if you who own a G-Line can tell about you're experience.

Edit 2: Afters weeks on discussing the G-Line-Situation I came to the point that I will probably sell my C-Line and buy a G (otherwise I couldn't afford it with good conscience) I got the oppurtunity to borrow one for a weekend, before I actually buy it, but I'm pretty positiv it will fit my needs well enough to compansate the disadvantages in some situations