Great British sitcoms and game shows not available in the US
I know this is not something I should complain about, but there are so many great game shows and television programs that are exclusive to the UK and us here in the US have no way to watch them. I know that we can watch a lot of of them because I’ve searched them out on various streaming platforms and I find them, but there are some that I just wish I could watch. I have no way to use a VPN or anything like that so the only way I’ll ever be able to see any of these shows is if I buy DVD sets or some other means of getting the content. Also, I don’t even know how to get some of it. I assume Amazon. Also, I’ve come to realize that content restrictions in the UK versus the US are very different. For example, it seems like a lot of programs in the UK after say 9 PM are allowed to show outright nudity on regular channels for us in order to see that kind of stuff here in the states I either have to pay for a streaming service or a premium cable channel. our regular networks don’t show any of that stuff whereas the UK networks do. I just find it very unfair. You guys are so lucky over there! I’m not a weirdo or anything where I have to see explicit material but it just seems like over there. They are a lot more relaxed on what they show and when they show it versus here in the states. Take the show coupling for example… I know good and well from being able to stream the show I have seen at the very minimum bare buttox. Here in America the only way we can see that kind of content is if we pay for a premium movie channel or as I said, before streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, prime, video, Max, peacock, etc..