The best cast trip of all time?
As we enter our 19th year of watching HWs, I’ve realised we must’ve watched our favourite ladies go on hundreds and hundreds of trips.
RHOP is currently airing the ladies in Panama and I am seeing lots of people say it’s boring which made me wonder, what makes a magnificent cast trip? The trip that immediately came to my mind was the NY trip to St Barth’s and when I thought about the reasons why, it was because of the following:
- It had more than one great moment for example, the NY St John’s (Scary Island) trip was memorable because of what happened with KKB's breakdown at dinner, but apart from that and Jill turning up (lol) nothing else stands out.
- NY St Barth’s ran across three episodes and there was no shortage of great ingredients: hysteria, arguments, crying, laughter, good friendship moments, group fun, late night antics and seeing some of the country/island and boy, did this trip deliver:
- Carole getting there and realising she’d stayed on that property with her late-husband (gives me a lump in my throat just thinking about it)
- Heather smashing her face into the door and leaving a nose print on the glass
- Aviva’s arrival which leads to the infamous white trash moment and the next day’s googling
- Ramona's iconic “Calm down, take a Xaaaannnaaaax”
- The pirate with Luann on night 1 and Sonja night 2 plus Luann’s phone call to her mate to cover and to Jacques to set the scene for the lies she’ll later tell
- Heather crying at lunch because she wasn’t invited to the couples dinner with Aviva/Reid, Carole and that rocker guy Russ and finally, the trip ending with the ladies pushing one another in the pool. Talk about chef's kiss!
So the question is, which trip would you say is the best cast trip? It can be the best trip of all HWs franchises and/or the best for each show. My picks are:
Best of all time
- NY St Barth’s
Best of each franchise
- NY - 2nd place goes to the Mexico Tequila trip
- BH - AmsterDAAAAAM or Hong Kong
- ATL - South Africa
- OC - Ireland
- Potomac - Miami
- Dallas - Thailand
- SLC, NJ and Miami - None
For reference a link to some trips -
I'm excited to hear what others think :-)