My Boomer father thought I was gay for the longest time because I tried to kiss him goodnight when I was four.
I was talking to my wife about this earlier and thought you guys might get a kick out of it.
When I was four years old my dad was tucking me into bed one night. I had been kissing my mom on the cheek after she tucked me into bed. So I gave him one. He looked at me in abject horror and scolded me that boys don't kiss boys and to never do that again.
I thought that was the end of it and it was an isolated incident but now that I look back on my life, there were a few times in my early teens that were weird but make sense now. Like when I had my first girlfriend. I was telling him how I liked this girl and he looked at me in disbelief and asked "..are you sure?" and I was just like yeah she is cute and I really like spending time with her. It was like this weight was lifted.
Then when I was like 20 or so I was staying home for my first few years of college. My friend and I had some girls over and we were getting drunk in the basement. My dad asked if I was drinking alone with my friend Paul and I told him we were hanging out with these girls. He went from this moment of concern to "ohhhh... oh, okay. Have fun with the girls."
I'm like 100% positive my boomer father thought I was gay until my early 20s because I kissed him goodnight the year before I entered kindergarten. The proudest he was of me was when I got married to my wife. It all makes sense now and I can't believe this shit, hahaha.