Feedback and styling advice on my second ever bonsai
After I was a bit displeased by my first bonsai attempt earlier in the day, I followed the idea of creating deadwood from the larger branches and keeping the smaller branches to create a sense of scale. This is a tiny, young, cheap box store shrub so I don't mind moving fast and breaking things.
I have cleared the dirt to expose the nebari and used the best direction of root display to inspire me to do a semi-cascade. I am now in slight doubt about what branches to keep and how best to create pads with my remaining foilage and have admittedly barely touches the remaining branches so far. I would probably like to shorten down some of the jin, display the main stem more and give the stem more curve (when I get some thicker wire lol).
Please give any criticism you find necessary and applicable, as I want to learn from the mistakes.