PC is not victim,she is homewrecker and SRK is cheater.

This sub literally made me think twice about everything and everyone in bollywood and that includes PC and SRK .

I'm seeing all these pc post from few days that she is so good and all the men did her wrong and she was just quiet girl suffering and at the same time representing her self as the strong self-made women giving gyan to other girls about ambition in life but in reality she is extremely shady.

1)She had multiple affairs right from her modeling days, she was linked to one of the judges having affair with him.

2) She got into relationship with multiple powerful men because it's men's industry.

3)she had affair with married men Akshay Kumar in 2005 during her shooting with barsaat Twinkle threated to leave and Akshay left the movie and Bobby Deol replaced him(also rumered that twinkle slapped PC).

4) She met SRK for Don,she was 29 and she got into relationship with him and they openly started appearing with him reportedly PC and her mom also wanted her to have share in KKR and be SRK's business partner but juhi interfere an stopped him they were togather.

5) Gauri took action and stopped her,I think Gauri was on defence mode not on attacking mode she might be bitter.

6)PC met Jonas in sept 2016 and married in Feb 2017 very quickly.

7)but in this all drama ۔۔۔۔srk kids was affected most ,Aryan threatened to leave him if he continues his affair and Suhana used to have anxiety attack after reading news about her dad's affair,Gauri decided to have Abraham at this point also SRK hit all time low in his life as a star and a family man too his movie wasn't working(zero and jhms etc)and affair destroyed his image too.

8)So he backed ۔۔۔and PC wasn't someone who don't know all this ۔۔۔she was the force behind all the problems for srk family.


10)Stop defending them ,if you like them watch their movie and move on don't follow them in real life.

11)Also I'm defending Aryan and Suhana that doesn't mean I'm going to watch their movie۔۔they have to prove themselves but here discussion is about the trauma they got without their fault.

12)Also SRK is aware of thus injustice may be that's why he showers love in the form of money to his both kids which includes suhana's launch and her king movie and Aryan's directorial debut and his enterpreneur journey too.

13)I'm not saying he shouldn't do it but definitely he have some gulit about the past tooo۔۔۔he is trying to be best dad and husband too, he pays more attention to Gauri now days.

Note- I made this post after noticing news about them and reading different post about srk PC and Gauri.

Mods- I was tired of so many PC victim post and perfect srk post so I made it,nothing intentional just frustrated.