Let my dog makan my d***o 😭

I'm a student living with my parents and brother to save money. Yday, my bf came over after class. I accidentally left my bedroom door slightly open. Usually, I always close it because my dog suka curi barang like shoes, soft toys, and even chocolates before this.

After spending time downstairs, suddenly my brother shouted, "Dia makan kote!" I panicked and ran upstairs, only to see my dog happily chewing on my hot pink d***o 🤡. The worst part? My bf was right behind me. I quickly grabbed it from him, malu gila, but I had no choice.

My bf already tahu I had one, so I'm not ashamed there. It's just... my brother witnessed the whole thing. Now I have to act like nothing happened at home while waiting for this shame to disappear.

TL;DR: Left my room open, dog found my d***o, brother saw him makan it, now I want to pindah rumah.