Owners using chihuahuas as an example/excuse

I don’t understand why pit bull owners use a Chihuahua as an excuse or like, “Oh well, a Chihuahua is way more vicious than a pit bull,” but do they not realize that when it’s a Chihuahua that bites someone or barks at someone, it’s not gonna cause mass destruction to a human being? I mean, I don’t understand why they keep using a Chihuahua excuse for their dog. A chihuahua definitely isn’t a pleasant pet (at least in my opinion), but to really compare it to a dog that can weigh up to 10x as much as them and cause WAYYY more damage just isn’t really fair to chihuahuas, and on top of that, it’s idiotic. Find an article of a Chihuahua killing someone and see how hard it is to find. Find an article of a pitbull killing someone and find out how easy it is to find! I mean gosh! How dumb are these owners?