Chickens loosing feathers around neck
We have 7 chickens all around 7-8 months old. Two of them are Speckled Sussex. Both SS girls have been losing feathers around their necks like this for maybe 1-2 months now. This is probably the worst I've seen. The other SS girl (not pictured) is starting to look a little better here recently I think. I don't see any mites or any other symptoms of sickness/disease. It's just these two girls. They are the smallest of the flock. Could this be from bullying? I have seen them get pushed around a little by the others.
We have 7 chickens all around 7-8 months old. Two of them are Speckled Sussex. Both SS girls have been losing feathers around their necks like this for maybe 1-2 months now. This is probably the worst I've seen. The other SS girl (not pictured) is starting to look a little better here recently I think. I don't see any mites or any other symptoms of sickness/disease. It's just these two girls. They are the smallest of the flock. Could this be from bullying? I have seen them get pushed around a little by the others.