How long did it take you to conceive after a miscarriage?
I just experienced a miscarriage with my first pregnancy. It was absolutely devastating.. my husband and I found out the beginning of December, and called it our Christmas miracle (we had been trying for around 5 months). We had just moved into a new home, excited to start planning out the nursery. Thinking back, I almost feel stupid for being so excited and planning. I know you don't expect anything bad to happen, but next time around I just feel like the magic of a positive test will be gone. We lost the baby at 9.5 weeks, and it was the most heartbreaking, physically painful experience I've ever had. We are trying to hard to stay positive, and waiting for that first cycle to come back so we can try again. How long did it take you to conceive after your miscarriage? I keep hearing that you are more fertile within the first 3 cycles of one, but I don't want to read too much into that and get my hopes up.
UPDATE - Such an overwhelming amount of positive stories, and support from this post. I just wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone who shared their stories ❤️