Pregnancy constipation and digestive issues ruining my life

EXTREME TMI WARNING: Constipation, digestive issues, description of stool

Currently 23 weeks pregnant, and for about the past two months, it's like my digestive system has decided to just completey stop working. Really bad constipation, as in going over a week without anything coming out at all, and extreme bloating and fullness to the point of being bedridden from the pain and belly extension. After a single meal, I would get so full that I wouldn't be able to eat for at least the rest of the day. Over the holidays my husband and I went on a trip to an Airbnb with my FIL and MIL, but my symptoms had gotten so extreme that I couldn't enjoy a single moment of the trip because of how much pain I was in despite not having even eaten any food the previous couple days due to the bloat and constipation. I just laid in bed all day doubled down. In fact, on the second day, I got so frustrated that I took way too much milk of magnesia just to make the pain stop, it ended up giving me awful intestinal contractions so my husband had to drive me to the ER, where I further received an enema...most embarrassing day of my life, it visually looked like I had lost ten pounds afterward. I have since been on miralax daily and have been drinking what feels like enough water to drown a horse (which makes me really nauseous) and its helped some, but only a tiny bit comes out at a time and I still get pretty bloated/backed up sometimes. I tried increasing fiber for a bit as well and eating dates, but this only made the problem even worse by backing me up further.This past week I had to take a second enema because despite my stools being extremely mushy, because my intestines just don't want to budge. This has obviously put a huge strain on my relationship...I can't enjoy just being with my husband because I always have some sort of digestive issue to be worried and stressed about. I'm also afraid to travel anywhere now despite family really wanting to see me because I think the last trip slightly traumatized me from the experience. I feel hopeless, like there's nothing that could help me without also hurting my baby :( I ordered some 400 mg magnesium citrate gummies which will be here at the end of this week.. fingers crossed they do something, but honestly I feel hopeless at this point.