I feel like I’m skill regressing hard and don’t know how to stop.

My (F21) entire life I’ve been the one in charge of important things. I’ve always filled out important documents like insurance claims, VA paperwork, etc, I’ve always been a high achiever and accomplish most of the goals I set for myself. I’m in my third year of college, which is supposed to be my last before my degree. I’ve always kept up on hygiene pretty well (when I get depressed it slips, but that’s expected), always cooked/bought my own meals, done my laundry, just generally have been able to function pretty well.

I feel like since the beginning of the year, I’ve just started regressing. I know skill regression can happen in people who start having support, which is what happened to me. Last July, I moved in with my boyfriend and honestly have just recently started getting settled in and feeling like it’s my place too, instead of just being at his all the time. Anyway, he’s been really great. I know I can count on him to help me out with laundry here and there and pick up after me if I need it. Anyway, good situation.

First it was my schoolwork. I do class entirely online and I started just not understanding things that honestly seem easy and like things I should know how to do. I started being lazier about getting my laundry done and doing dishes and cleaning up around the house. I started really slipping with my hygiene, to the point where my boyfriend pointed it out to me. I recently lost medicaid coverage (didn’t know that until about a month after I lost it, and am now getting bills from drs at this time totaling about $600, which is almost a full paycheck for me) and have been trying to reapply and get back on food stamps and sort out this whole insurance thing and I realized, i don’t understand any of these forms.

Are they made difficult on purpose? Yes. But I used to be able to fill out these kinds of documents easily AND decipher the eligibility notices and what else i needed to submit to finalize my claim. I can’t anymore.

I don’t want to burden my boyfriend, which it feels like I’m doing, though he swears I’m not. I need help and I’m having so much trouble getting it. I need to get better, at least back to where I used to be mentally. I don’t understand why I can’t do the things I used to do easily, even when I put so much more effort into it now.

How do I get better? How do I overcome this? What are the steps? Who do I talk to? I’m worried about myself.