Finally stopped wearing socks all the time and I feel great

Since I was 11 (almost 10 years now!) I’ve been wearing socks everywhere unless I’m showering or swimming. I have a particular hatred towards feet, including my own — I hate the way they look, sound, and feel — so I wear socks everywhere, even when I’m at home in bed. I hated how my feet felt against any surface, whether it was sheets, hardwood flooring, or carpet, it’s just too much feeling. Socks always feel the same, so I chose to wear them constantly. I didn’t realize how good it feels for my feet to be a little bit cold until last week, and now I can go to bed barefoot. I’m never gonna wear open-toed shoes in public again but when I’m alone, it’s pure bliss. I just feel like this is a major improvement for myself and I’m so proud :)