South Coast and Hunter Regions Housing Analysis
Like some of you, I was berated by my relatives over the Christmas period for not owning a home. I pointed out to them that my investments had yielded some great results, and they insisted that housing was the only sure bet.
Despite my insistence that I felt confident in my choices, they were more than happy to advise me of some great opportunities for investment or living, at which point I said that I wasn't in the habit of catching falling knifes.
They insisted that the housing market was more healthy than ever and that the media was merely beating up a non-existent housing collapse.
To prove a point I looked at a the outer regions surrounding Sydney (that I've been watching with interest), and utilising Daftdrop I was able to produce two interesting graphs:
Hunter Region Houses - 3 bedroom minimum
South Coast Region Houses - 3 bedroom minimum
To generate these, I looked at 3br houses for both regions in monthly increments and toggled the "Include sold/de-listed properties" to generate the difference between sold and remaining houses during each month.
This may be a fairly rough way to analyse the data, but it was the only information I could think to access to provide this kind of information (any suggestions for better sources of information would be great!).
If anyone is interested in the raw data used, here is the sheet.
I received a request to undertake the same analysis for South Western Sydney - so here it is. The July 18 data issues appear to be persistent across the dataset.