please tell me i'm not overthinking wanting to cancel this 2nd date.
hi all. at the end of december i (31F) met this guy (32M) who i thought was great at a group event, we hit it off and i ended up giving him my number. he was very upfront about being interested in me, and i liked that. we went on a first date at the beginning of this month, he was sweet and considerate, seemed really down to earth, and we got to know each other a bit. the date mostly went really well--until i found out who he voted for in november.
the second he told me, all my interest and attraction shriveled up and died. he probably saw it in my eyes, and asked if he had ruined his chances for a second date. i'm anxious, and a recovering(?) people pleaser, and i said, maybe a bit unconvincingly, that he didn't, that i still wanted a second date, but i've been thinking about it nonstop since.
it matters a lot to me that he actively chose this, and though he did offer to explain his reasons for voting the way he did, the supposed reason doesn't matter to me. it's the fact that he did it. i'm a black woman, and i'm disabled, with a chronic illness to boot(endometriosis). his vote directly impacts all of that, and i can't be with someone who, at the very least, doesn't care about any of those things, let alone someone like me, even if he finds me attractive.
we're supposed to go out again this weekend, but with the inauguration looming next week, i don't think i can stomach being around someone who wouldn't even understand my anxiety and dread about it, and probably feels pretty smug and happy. i don't think i can give this guy a chance, no matter how decent he seemed when i first met him...i don't think i can ever overlook this.
i previously agreed to this date and feel bad about changing my mind, and also the fact that he's had some stressful life circumstances the past two weeks that have kept us from meeting up, but i'd be lying if i said the delay didn't make my feelings about this even clearer. but also i'm an anxious little baby and i hate confrontation and disappointing people.
please yell at me and tell me to toughen up and cancel this date, y'all.