Why men are lying on their profile?

I went on a date with this guy who is 30M and I am 24F. We met in the same week we started talking. During the conversation he just mentioned he have 6 digits income and he was only talking about the technical side of his job like what projects he work on etc. He was literally explaining like I am an intern and he is my manager lol. When we were texting he said he is into traveling (which is important to me as I travel a lot ) then on the date he said in 30 years he first time traveled from his state for work. And I was the one asking questions. If you are not interested then why you ate wasting the time? Why some men do this? To prove themselves that they still can get a date? And he was no where 6 feet. I am 5”5 and he was little taller than me. Why do you lie? I genuinely asking you understand men more than we understand you. Whats the point?