Men who “don’t wear condoms”.... what’s the reason?
I (24f) recently started seeing a new guy who waited until we were in bed about to get it on to tell me that he doesn’t wear condoms “on principle.”
He said that he’s used them before for one night stands but not people he “talks to” because it doesn’t feel as intimate or close. I told him that down the line if we got tested and were committed it would be different, but this would’ve been our first time so I was not gonna let that fly (personal/sexual health is not something I am willing to compromise). It led to an argument which ended with him saying girls have never had issues with it before and leaving.
I, slightly hurt and feeling rejected, just took this as a load of f*** boy bs and kicked him to the curb. I talked to other women and found out that it’s not an uncommon phenomenon.
So what’s the deal, men of reddit? Do you wear condoms? If not, what’s your reasoning?
Edit: wow so many responses to get through! For clarification: this was 5 or 6 dates in, but we had not committed to anything yet... not quite a relationship but not a random hookup either