What are some pros/cons for an American family considering moving to Wexford or Kilkenny?

Greetings! We are an American family with a 14 year old and a 12 year old who is looking into moving to Ireland. My wife’s father was born here and I have Irish ancestry from both parents. We have begun the preliminary process of applying for Irish passport for my wife. She is a professional with a job that will allow for remote work but I would need to find employment. I am in IT. Daughter is big into theater and acting and my son enjoys playing sports with friends. A dream of mine would be to open a Long Island / New York themed deli/cafe. I hear that the Irish are not very adventurous eaters though. My wife has some cousins in Kilkenny but the town of Wexford looks interesting (partly because it may be the warmest part of Ireland). Are there any pros/cons for either of these towns? Thanks a bunch for any suggestions and advice 🙏

Edit 1 - My bad on the label of unadventurous eaters! I read a silly article and took it as fact. That was dumb of me and apologies! Glad y’all love food and I look forward to making you a tasty sammich.

Edit 2 - Wow! Thanks everyone for the awesome advice.

Edit 3 - Here is the article I had read about exotic food. Apologies if I misunderstood and/or put too much faith into it. https://www.irishcentral.com/opinion/others/living-ireland-american