This is a genuine question- Is there anything kids show you think is better than Arthur?
It just kind of dawned on me that I literally can't think of a better kids show than Arthur. Yes, there are other classes. As a kid, I absolutely adored Peep in the Big Wide World and Numberjacks. I actually still have little stuffies of all the characters, that my grandma knitted for me Because she knew how much I loved those shows.
Wild Kratts is also awesome. I remember I was so into it, that I was so upset that I didn't get the catch The fourth episode, but when I saw it was going to be repeated, I called my grandma and practically demanded that she put it on her own TV, and we both watched the episode at the same time talking over the phone about what was happening. (Man, my grandma is awesome)
I'm sure a lot of people would yell from the hilltops that Paw Patrol is a top contender. That show honestly started just as I was growing out of that kind of age group. I remember watching an episode with my dad and we both just made fun of it the entire time. I'll never forget my dad tearing into the idea of Ryder surf-boarding on a block of ice pulled by Zuma.
Arthur was a show that I definitely liked as a kid. But I always considered it more of an A tier show than an S tier one. I would always watch it whenever it was on, but I was never running home to catch it. I also think a lot of the jokes were honestly a bit too complex for me to fully get at the time.
As an adult though, I honestly think Arthur surpasses all of the aforementioned shows. The comedy, especially in the earlier Seasons, is seriously peak.
"A stick from the park where you PROMISED TO TAKE ME TODAY!!!"
"Buster can't walk around with a Cushion!"
"I can't sleep in a Clock!"
"Okay, who wants Francine's Present?"
The morals of every episode, up until the very end, have also been incredible. (I will fight for So Funny, I Forgot to Laugh until the Day I die) I genuinely believe that if more adults watched Arthur, and actually paid attention to the lessons being taught in the Episodes, the world would actually become a much better place. I truly believe that I have become a better person, partly from watching Arthur as an adult.
Not to mention, the music is seriously on point. They feel so simple, and a lot of the time you won't even notice it, And even though they use the same tracks again and again, depending on if it's an emotional moment, or upbeat moment, or wacky moment, they usually only play once each per episode, and you just get sucked into the rhythm of it.
And bro- That scene when Lodana is leaving and Fern begs her to explain why she's acting like she doesn't care, Only for her to spiral into a monologue about how she once was best friends with someone and even though they promised to talk to each other all the time after she left, he never wrote back to her... Bro, I'm writing this all down on voice recorder and I literally have two tears trickling down my cheeks as I'm writing this stupid post. How could a kids show be so real?
I've been having Arthur play on Pluto TV for I don't even know how long, but definitely over a year. I watched it every time I was sick. whenever I had a bad day and had trouble going to sleep, I would let it play and listen to it. I have the storylines of every single episode memorized now. I only haven't seen some of the specials, because I want to always have more stuff to watch. (Also, I don't think I actually ever finished that one where Francine is trying to join the circus or something)
Yes, there are other objectively better made shows like... Uh, Doctor Who or The Mentalist or something, But those can't compete with the absolute comfort show that is Arthur.
If anyone has an idea for a show that they prefer better, even if it's one of the shows I already mentioned, I'd love to hear it. Because as of right now, I genuinely think Arthur might be the single greatest kids show ever made.