How do you come out to your mom as aroace?

Just for context I am a high schooler that is greyromantic and asexual, but I also use the labels Aroace or angled Aroace too! Idk if I should come out to my mom or not, because idk if she should know because I feel like the only people I should be telling about my sexuality is people I’m gonna be in a relationship with, yk? But, I also wanna tell her I’m Aroace, because I wanna be able to be prideful of my sexuality, like wear aroace Kandi and stuff, and I don’t want my mom to ask if I’m gonna get in a relationship bc I’m most likely not. One time she asked me if I was asexual and I said no, so I think she suspects I am aroace. Should I come out to her or no? I know she supports, but I’m just scared. #Aroace #angledaroace #greyromantic #asexual #lgbtqia+ #comingouttips #comingout