For First Time Arma Players

I’m stoked to be having tons of new players hopping on Reforger.

Most of the time, our vets help explain things to them, and let them tag along to show them the ropes.

However, there is one big aspect of the game I don’t think new players understand, and they may have never had it explained to them.

Platoon Chat

Most players have seen posts and videos saying not to spam platoon chat, but here is why:

Communication works differently in this game than COD or Battlefield lobbies. You can have 60 players in 10 different locations all working on something different.

Platoon chat isn’t for narrating your gameplay and messing with your boys. It’s awesome that you guys are enjoying the game, but when you spam platoon chat for non-important purposes, you actively take away a critical resource from those who are meticulously and methodically planning to help the team win. Especially transports, air support, or logistics crews. Not to mention, anyone in a high-stress engagement now can’t hear critical audio queues of enemies close to them.

It takes away from everyone’s experience not in your immediate friend group. It’s inconsiderate and selfish.

Now, those trying to properly play the game are forced to turn off platoon chat, making cross-team collaboration that much more complicated (to coordinate who to talk to and when).

Guys, it would be much better if you just hung out in Xbox or discord chats. Arma can be hilarious and very fun to play casually… but be respectful of the other 60 players on your team. We would rather have no-mic players than those with mics ruining the game experience for others.
