My nephew applied to ONLY Ivies with a 1400, 4.0! What schools would be safeties or matches for him, with applications still open?
Title. I'm the only other one in the family that's gone through this process. I've been helping him with essays and whatnot but imagine my horror when he calls me and tells me he's officially done... and has ONLY applied to Ivies! Sorry, no, not ONLY ivies.. he also applied to Stanford! Thank God, right?
I gently got it through his head that admissions are a gamble & he needs backup, NOW. He's gunning for Economics on a pre-law track. Would prefer to be near a larger city, but as long as it's not in the desert, he doesn't really mind. He doesn't have huge financial need. He lives in Oklahoma, but is heartset on going out og state. Thanks so much in advance!