New phone upgrade time

It's that time in my phone contract plan when I am bombarded with new offers telling me to upgrade my phone, I decided I will keep my current model since nothing is wrong with it so why waste money/pollute something I can keep using.

Now, I saw a post somewhere that said instead of upgrading their phone they bought a new phone case and charge etc. And it felt like it was a new phone. I planned on doing that but seeing how expensive phone cases are for good quality I realized I would be spending money on a nonessential item when I already have a great phone case AND I would essentially throwing another item into the mountain of waste when it is still usable. My only vice is that the phone case is no longer "pretty". Its colour has faded massively, it's almost turned into a smokey colour almost like a burnt orange where before it was clear.

Yes, I can 100% live with that it doesn't overly bother me if I dont think about looks, but fighting that consumerism bug to buy new and get rid of something ugly is so strongly there. It really is a constant challenge not to "click buy" for a way to solve that problem, consume and move on to the next "buy to fix the issue" problem instead of continuing to use what we have. Im hoping I can still use it for a couple more years, maybe I'll find a way to get creative and decorate it somehow !

EDIT - Update - THANK YOU everyone that told me about the updating apps/security upgrades, I did not know that was a thing! After going down the rabbit hole I realized with how much I would have to pay out to keep my phone and only have the security upgrades for 2 more years it didn't make sense, I will be upgrading it to a newer phone that has 7 years of security upgrades. Thank you!!