Amazon "2-day fast shipping" is BS
Something I noticed after canceling Prime....and I feel like this should be a pinned banner in this sub...
The "fast" Prime shipping seems to be complete bullshit. In checkout it'll have several options:
- "Prime 2 day shipping"
- "Free 5 day shipping" (requires minimum $35 purchase)
- "Paid 3 day shipping"
or something similar.
After placing multiple "Free 5 day shipping" orders, I can vouch that the shipping is JUST AS FAST as it ever was with an active Prime membership. I've never had to wait the amount of time that was stated on the checkout screen. Amazon couldn't be lying to us, could they? /s
After working in big tech for so long, I don't know why it took me canceling my membership to figure this out.
Think about it this way - do you REALLY think that Amazon is going to differentiate their shipping/fulfillment process based off the membership status detected at checkout? Or would it be cheaper just to treat every Prime/free shipping order the same? Not doing so would require much more complicated (and expensive) logistics processes at the fulfillment centers.
TLDR: the "fast 2 day Prime shipping" is bullshit. It's the same shipping as the free option. Just wait to buy $35 worth of stuff and save yourself a meaningless Prime membership.
Or better yet, don't buy from Amazon at all.