Why I hate Amber Reid
Obviously there are so many reasons to hate Amber Reid. But there is one I will never get over, that she would need to make a hell of amends for if I were to ever give her another chance.
I am a woman. And as a woman, I firmly believe one of the worst things a person can do is to lie about sexual assault. By falsely accusing someone of sexual assault it doesn't just harm their life (and I'm so sorry for what Amber put Casey through) it also creates a narrative. A narrative that women lie about assault. And that gives every abuser a proof point. It give credence to every he said/she said (pronouns aside - any gender can be abused by any gender). It sets a precedent that people lie and so victims of SA don't need to be believed.
It's dangerous.
And Amber has never taken proper accountability.
Fuck you. You used the wrong word? Not good enough. In reality you perpetuated the idea that victims shouldn't be believed. And that is something you've never apologised for.