Do you have to talk to friends?
Referring to the video Alexis dropped on Amber, I'm referencing here how Amber said, "why do I have to talk to my friends to keep them."
This is an interesting thing to me. As someone who does not want to be around people 24/7, who doesn't like texting all day, and who even went as far as moving to another country... I mean to a DEGREE I get her.
But also, as someone who is that way, I have 5 very close best friends back in America. 1 in Denmark, and 1 in Canada.
While we sometimes go months without talking full conversations, I have snapstreaks with all these friends. Even if it's just pictures and little notes, we keep each other updated on life situations. Then sometimes we text or have to have our little talks in snapchat.
So, I'm never out of the loop. And when I do talk to them, it's like no time has passed. We pick up where we left off. And all these friendships have existed with some being 7 years old now, and 2 of them being as old as 22 years old now. (We're all over the ages of 27).
What do y'all think on this? We all know Amber is a bad partner and friend, but in regards to this; how much is too little and too much to keep a friendship alive?