"Who cares if I gaslight my audience"
Her new Q&A "answer to Jordy" had me laughing and rolling my eyes. I saw that coming.
When she had her melt down in Jordy's stream, Jordy said something that I 100% agree with. When Amber started to lose the conversation, she threw at him the basement and wow comment. Jordy rolled his eyes and went serious for a moment. He then threw something at her that my mother taught me from a young age.
If someone moves away from the topic being discussed and they start throwing insults- you know you've won. Because they no longer have anything intelligent to add or to use to argue with.
So when she just did her video, her being all smug and "you just insult me all the time because you realized I'm not as bad as you say I am." She's actively choosing to ignore the blatant VALID comments he makes on her that have everything to do with her horrid past actions + his valid criticism on CHANGEABLE things in her life.
Yeah, he throws low blows comments. But they're minor compared to actual arguments he has.
She's just bitter that he won that fight. And now she's trying to manipulate her new and old ambabies into thinking she holds the mentality he slapped her in her moon face with.
Its comical honestly.