My Theories

Twinkie : As we know both Amberlynn & Emily are both complete control freaks. The fact that this relationship is different than all ambers other relationship shows. I think the lack of control Amber feels in this relationship has turned up a notch with the audience and reaction channels. Hence why she adamantly REFUSED to show Twinkie until she absolutely had to. And the smirk on her face in the new video basically says haha you are all so dumb 🤪 you thought Twinkie was dead, with mama lynn. But no you stupid ass people she’s been here the whole time. She got away with lying and deceiving people by not showing Twinkie for an extremely long time & in her face the smiling said EVERYTHING!!!! She feels like she got away with something so it makes her feel good and it comes out in her facial expressions intensely. Something we need to start paying attention to more IMO.

Rarity : There are multiple theories on what possibly could’ve happened to poor Rarity so I will go over a few that I think could be plausible.

Rarity : Amber is a morbidly obese person who sits on the couch all day getting little to no exercise ever. So it’s very possible she left the door open because she couldn’t be bothered to stand and wait for the dogs to come back in because of her massive size and the weight bearing down on her.

Rarity: When Amber opened the door rarity could have ran out the door immediately and like I said above, Amber is morbidly obese (we know she’s gained even more weight since moving in with the feeder) there is absolutely no way she would be able to run out and catch her no way in hell.

Rarity : I think another very possible theory is that something happened to rarity in that house. I’m not sure if it’s been confirmed that Emily does in fact have a German Shepherd but those dogs are protectors, point blank period. If god forbid there was an attack on poor rarity Amber couldn’t stop a German shepherd from attacking Rarity. Remember MORBIDLY OBESE! Her weight and mobility play a massive part in what she can realistically do. Do you really think 600lb Amber would be able to carry her body over and stop an attack? No, no she couldn’t. The past tense speaking was strange and left me questioning why someone would speak this way about an animal they are holding out hope for. Extremely suspicious.

Wasabi : It’s very clear in Ambers videos that wasabi is the most neglected pet she owns. He always seems to be hiding or scared, nervous 😟 Rarity is the one who is more social the one who is out and about. Amber obviously doesn’t care for wasabi as much as her female pets & it shows.

(Referring to my theory above about the attack) If wasabi is always hiding and rarity is the one just being free checking things out in the new place, is it that crazy to think that’s why she’s the one who “got out” “attacked” wasabi is always hiding, rarity is the social one, think about it.

Amber & Emily : Yes Emily or Amber put out Emily’s address on that poster but does it matter if they are trying to sell a story? Like Amber said in the video, Emily has Security Cameras they would know if someone were to come into the property & would be able to call the authorities immediately. Whatever happened to rarity feels off, with Emily and Amber being mentally disturbed in their own ways I wouldn’t put anything past either of them.

Amber & Emily : We know all the hate Emily has been getting recently & we can all tell how much it bothers both of them. It wouldn’t be shocking if this is just a BOOLshit lie and rarity is actually at Emily’s house safe. Wouldn’t be crazy to think of a plan to have Emily look like the hero if/when rarity “returns” So we can’t say anything else about Justin Feeder. Say what you want Amber, Emily is a feeder! We don’t like her and we never will even if she does “rescue” poor rarity. Our opinion of her is forever cemented into Gorl World.

Take this as you will but when poor innocent animals are brought into the mix potentially being harmed and or neglected, I take this very seriously as any animal lover should. Thank you if you read all of this.