I think I got my manager fired

Two weeks ago, I was working in the docks, when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I only have notifications for my blood sugar and my emergency contacts on work days, so I checked it briefly. My manager saw me and rudely asked why I was on my phone. I told her I was checking my blood sugar to monitor my health. She said “I’m not stupid. Are you diabetic? Do you have prediabetes? Why do you need to check?”. I told her I don’t want to discuss my medical information with her, and I feel uncomfortable.

She rudely told me she needs to know my health condition and I could get in trouble for not telling her. I told her she could get in more trouble, since she was harassing me about a medical condition. She told me if I was on my phone again she’d confiscate it, so I told her that if she pays my phone bill she can take it.

Later, after lunch, I checked my blood sugar again. She told me “it’s ridiculous, you don’t need to check your blood sugar. You’re supposed to check it while you’re eating.”. I told her that’s not how it works, and walked away and made a report with HR and the Ethics line.

Ever since I filed that report, my manager hasn’t been seen again.