AIO for breaking up with my boyfriend because he personally requested content from OnlyFans?

I (f23) found out my boyfriend (m22) was not only subscribing to OnlyFans creators, but also messaging them and paying for specific and personal content.

He knew I was not ok with this and lied about it once before, so doing it again, I feel, was a choice he made knowing it would hurt me.

We had other problems such as inappropriately texting an ex he had a trauma bond to, prioritizing spending money on beer, weed, games, and I guess porn, rather than saving for an apartment and a car and our future. He would lie about buying something but I’d always find out.

Finding out he once again subbed and requested videos from multiple of girls was my last straw and I realized he won’t be changing for me.

I personally think he has a lot of inner demons and pain that won’t allow him to love properly, but I know there is a sweet and loving guy in there and think if he fixes those issues, he’ll know how to treat a woman.

Just sad he couldn’t do it for me.