AIO My younger sister sent me a torture video?

My younger sister ( 16,F) sent me (21, F) an instagram video of someone getting bean boarded. The man was CLEARLY being tortured with his face and sunken in eyes ( funnel in mouth forced to eat beans/water? ). She sent it and i was immediately like WTF?? And i said thats a torture video she said she thought it was a hoax, and her friend had sent it to her and thats how she has the link ( she doesn’t have instagram or other socials except Pinterest/youtube). This friend of hers is disturbing and weird in itself but other than that i really don’t know what to do. Tell my parents? It makes me see her differently. It makes me feel sick and disturbed. Like i knwo kids send weird shit to each other and find crazy things funny but im not sure if this crosses a line or not. Luckily i have therapy tomorrow. My sister has shown no signs of being weird in any other way.