AIO? Conversation with a man I’ve been dating for TWO MONTHS
So the guy I’ve been dating for about two months now called me last night before I went to bed, I hadn’t really talked to him all day so I wanted to just catch up before bed. During the conversation he asked my plans for the weekend and I mentioned I might be heading to LA with some friends. My ex lives in LA and he knows that but I never once told him who I was seeing or who I was going with or even where in LA I was going, after I said that he just hung up on me. The text messages linked above is the conversation that followed.
Fast forward to today we talked on the phone and everything had sorta sorted itself out, not really but I had decided to let it go for now since I knew I’d be seeing him this afternoon and I would rather talk to him about it in person. We originally planned on going out around 1-2pm (ish) but it got pushed bak because he was going out with friends, I don’t mind again I understand you have a life outside of me I thought he’d maybe push it back to like 4ish, come to find out he’s not coming till 6pm?! Once again I’m a little upset but I’m not mad yk? I’m more just surprised that he’s not coming until so late the messages from the last slide then occur.
Like I’m a very understanding person I think what really irritated me was that last exchange, I never go out with friends, I hung out with my best friend for two days and I haven’t seen her in over a month compared to him who goes climbing with his friends 2-3 times a week. Then to use the fact that he’s paying for dinner against me as if that justifies the way he’s treating me is INSANE to me, like sorry but if it takes me paying for my own dinner to have you not treat me like an asshole then id much rather just pay for myself then have you think you can walk all over me because you always insist on picking up the check. Anyways please tell me if I’m overreacting or being overly upset about this!