Is it fair to be in sexless marriage?
I am an Indian and married a woman my parents looked out for me. It is pretty common in india that parents chose the inlaw. I had a mixed feelings and expressed that I don't want to marry. Things went wrong and now I am married. She is 22 and I am 29. I am a millennial and she is gen Z. Our thoughts and actions are not similar. I find ourselves incompatible and my sex drive fell apart. I find it hard to understand women who are younger and doesn't understand the experience of other person and behave like they know it all. It might be ego conflict between us but she does not even understand how a relationship works and fails to work towards talking it out and have a compatible relationship which would lead to sex as well. I believe sex is ultimate expression of love. You can't have sex if you don't love the other. If the other person can't understand you and try to be compatible and only looks for what they need(in this case, sex). I feel it's toxic. I would rather be without sex than do it complying to societal rule of 'sex is must in a relationship'.
I maybe editing some of the context but would like a sincere advice on you experiences in your relationships/marriage being with your partner who has generational gap between.